Skin self-examination is a straightforward method for cancer treatment in its initial stages because they are easy to treat as compared to the advanced stages.
To start a self- examination on first, one must know what to look for. Each has distinct characteristics, but they all share one key feature: they however manifest themselves in form alterations of the skin. Awareness of what might be considered as a sign of the disease and knowledge about how to distinguish between typical skin patterns and malignant formations helps a person to control the disease and possibly influence the outcome.
The first thing that has to be done in dealing with skin cancer would be to locate a well-lit area, preferably a room that has a full-length mirror and a handheld mirror. Begin by looking at your skin from head to toe with special attention being given to areas of the skin that for instance are often exposed to the sun. These regions are most of the time the first to develop symptoms of skin cancer, owing to long exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

After that you need to proceed to your scalp area. Divide the hair so as to have a clear view of the skin below so that the proper diagnosis can be made. This area may not be easy to inspect; therefore using a hand-held mirror or requesting another person to help may work well.
Melanoma can hence be observed to develop in these areas despite the fact that these sites are not as exposed to sun as other parts of your body. Feel your arms with fingertips paying close attention to the front as well as the back surface of the skin, to your elbows and the presence of any discoloration, any new formation, or changes in texture.
Continuing with the check do it on your neck, chest, and the torso. It is also necessary to pay attention to folds under the breasts since skin cancer can develop in these areas as well for women. Stand in front of the full-length mirror to ensure that all parts of your body are properly searched; your back, shoulders, the back of your arms and your legs. The back is a problematic area in terms of melanoma, so be certain to spend enough time in order to categorically eliminate it.

Just as your upper body do not forget to assess your lower body specifically the legs, ankle as well as feet. Foot problems are especially sensitive to the soles of the feet, gaps between toes, and bottom of toenails. These areas are usually neglected during self-checks yet they are areas on how to check for skin cancer, especially melanoma. Also, completely examine your genitals and the area around them as well as your buttocks area since skin cancer can form in these areas even if you have never been under the sun.
In assessing your strength, weakness opportunity and threat, it is pertinent to understand the ABCDEs of melanoma. A is for asymmetrical which refers to a region of the skin mole or skin (lesion) which is different from the other half of the same mole or skin (lesion). This explains the B stands for the border, this is the outer part of the mole. C stands for colour; melanomas can be colours such as brown, black, red, white or blue. D stands for diameter, usually melanomas are larger than 6mm, in diameter, or, about the same size as the graphite tip in a pencil though they could be smaller when diagnosed at a preliminary stage.
In the case of identifying any of these signs during the home check-up it is important to visit a dermatologist or healthcare provider as soon as possible. Even if not all skin changes are cancerous it is better to consult a professional and get the changes checked. If skin cancer is detected in its early stages then the chances of eradicating it improve greatly and in most instances the disease is curable.